The tough times that made 2020 unpleasant for many around the world saw a split in career paths. Many people felt it prudent to stick to their current roles for fear of the unknown, while others were forced to seek new work as layoffs, furloughs and business collapses hit many industries...
The human resources and recruitment functions continue to use automation, chatbots and AI to make the hiring process fairer, more transparent and faster. As more people apply for roles and staff have less time to dedicate to winnowing the hot prospects among a growing pile of resumes or CVs...
Your personal Description is the text field that sits beneath your name and profile picture. Besides your profile picture, it’s the first thing that recruiters or companies will see when they view your profile. Your Description allows you the opportunity to stand out by showing what you have to offer. Here are some tips that can help you write a Description that gets you noticed...
Selecting the proper profession profile picture is critical to get noticed for job positions. In fact, many recruiters and companies will completely ignore profiles without a profile photo. A professional profile picture shows that a profile is a real account and that the candidate is serious about their career search...